Constructed from the comedy by Anton Chekhov
Adapted and Directed by Brian Rott A seasick playwright swims through symbols to find his form.
A provincial girl and her seagull pursue dreams of celebrity. A celebrated actress claws to maintain position and power. A popular writer of landscapes looks to pen a work greater than pleasant. A fine line between success and failure, dream and nightmare, life and death, love and hate. The Seagull, Chekhov’s only full-length comedy opened in St. Petersburg in 1896 and was declared a bona fide flop, prompting Chekhov to swear off theatre. Two years later, its successful premier at The Moscow Art Theatre would exalt Chekhov to international fame, cementing his position in the pantheon of drama. Some might call this irony; Chekhov might call this comedy… But he’s dead. And this is The Seagull 3D! Brought to you live, in space, in Technicolor and Surround Sound – so real you might just believe you’re there!!! Glasses included. |
" The Seagull 3-D is an absurdist adaptation of Chekhov that remains very true to the themes at the heart of the script."