Directed by Brian Rott
Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft Throughout his literary career Lovecraft engineered the foundation for the “Cthulhu Mythos”, a world where titanic horrors lay dormant through history, looming in darkness, silently seeking the unsuspecting, seeping into minds, breeding madness in men. Lovecraft never aspired to create a definitive mythology, but inspired generations to spawn the seeds of his imagination; including us. We invite you to sink into a murky mire, an original theatrical experience of profound and pure horror. "LOVE & CTHULHU IS THE MOST AMBITIOUS AND INVENTIVE PRODUCTION MILWAUKEE HAS SEEN IN RECENT YEARS, QUITE POSSIBLY EVER... LOVE & CTHULHU SHOWS THAT THE IMAGINATION OF A FEW HANDFULS OF DEDICATED INDIVIDUALS KNOWS NO BOUNDS. THEY BOIL ILLUSION, SET DESIGN, PROPS, MOVEMENT, LIGHTING, SOUND, PANTOMIME, DANCE, ACROBATICS, LIVE CLASSICAL MUSIC, AND MINIATURE AND LARGE FORMAT PUPPETRY INTO A CAULDRON THAT LEAVES THE AUDIENCE STIRRED, CHALLENGED, AND AWESTRUCK; THEIR IMAGINATIONS’ STILL TWISTING AT THE CURTAIN."
"Love and Cthulu strikes home with enough memorable, downright bizarre imagery to make it the most original show to hit town in a long time. It’s frankly amazing that anyone would attempt to stage such grand material....But, as they seem intent on proving, there’s nowhere, absolutely nowhere, the theatrical imagination can’t take us."